Taiiku Okazaki - Kanjou no Pixel
Artist | Taiiku Okazaki |
Language | Japan |
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Taiiku Okazaki - Kanjou no Pixel (Romanized)
kasaneta tenohira kaze no iro wa mou mienakunaru
Obiete furueru karada o yakitsukushiteiku
Mou nanimo kamo shinjitaku wa nai
I don’t believe it anymore cause I feel sad
Kioku o tadottatte nanimo kawaranai yo
doubutsusantachi daishuugou da waiwai
Oide yo buta san usagi san kitsune san ni zou san
Minna de tanoshiku unpappa no bunbun
Onaka ponponpon no yahho-
Chiitaa san wa kakekko ja makenai zo
Kako o keshisaru you ni hashire Don’t give a fxxk with me
kuruikitta imeeji to zetsubou no sukima ni kieochiteiku
Koboreochita yamikumo no ansaa mada mitsukaranai mama
Kaze no iro wa mou mienai kedo mae made wa mieteta kowa
doubutsusantachi daishuugou da waiwai
Oide yo wani san mo nakama ni irete agete
Minna de tanoshiku unpappa no bunbun
Onaka ponponpon no yahho-
Wani san mo nakama ni irete agete
Wani san mo nakama ni irete agete
wakachiaenai ikimono doshite no kategoraizu no kabe
Kawaita kajitsu mo ichido kawaku to mou mo modorenai
doubutsusantachi daishuugou da waiwai
Sorosoro wani san mo nakama ni irete agete
Minna de tanoshiku unpappa no bunbun
Onaka ponponpon no yahho-
Sasuga ni kinodoku ni nattekuru
Omoiyari to iu na no doutokuteki kachi no saininshiki
Wani san mo nakama ni irete agete
岡崎体育 - 感情のピクセル 歌詞
重ねた手のひら 風の色はもう見えなくなる
I don’t believe it anymore cause I feel sad
どうぶつさんたちだいしゅうごうだ わいわい
おいでよブタさん ウサギさん キツネさんにゾウさん
みんなでたのしく うんぱっぱのぶんぶん
過去を消し去るように疾走れ Don’t give a fxxk with me
零れ落ちた 闇雲のアンサー まだ見つからないまま
風の色はもう見えないけど 前までは見えてた 怖っ
どうぶつさんたちだいしゅうごうだ わいわい
おいでよ ワニさんもなかまにいれてあげて
みんなでたのしく うんぱっぱのぶんぶん
分かち合えない 生き物としてのカテゴライズの壁
どうぶつさんたちだいしゅうごうだ わいわい
みんなでたのしく うんぱっぱのぶんぶん
Taiiku Okazaki - Pixels of Emotion (English)
The palms of these folded hands… I can't see the color of the wind anymore
I burn this trembling, frightened body to ashes
I don't want to put my faith in anything
I don't believe it anymore, cause I feel sad
If all you do is follow your memories, nothing will change
All the animals form a big noisy party
Come here, Mr. Pig! Ms. Bunny! Ms. Fox! Mr. Elephant!
Everyone's having so much fun, shaking oom pah pah back and forth,
Going howdy with a boop boop boop on their tummies!
Mr. Cheetah won't lose in a race!
Sprinting in order to leave the past behind, Don't give a fxxk with me!
Disappearing into the gaps between my twisted image and despair
The cascading, reckless answers won't be found
I can't see the color of the wind anymore, but I once could, before… So scary!
…wait, what?
All the animals form a big noisy party
Come here, let Mr. Crocodile into your circle of friends
Everyone's having so much fun, shaking oom pah pah,
Going howdy with a boop boop boop on their tummies!
Let Mr. Crocodile into your circle of friends
Let Mr. Crocodile into your circle of friends
They can't share with each other… Their different categories as animals are a wall
Even fruit can never go back to how it used to be, once it dries out
All the animals form a big noisy party
Isn't it time to let Mr. Crocodile into your circle of friends?
Everyone's having so much fun, shaking oom pah pah back and forth,
Going howdy with a boop boop boop on their tummies!
Oh, this is getting really pitiful to watch
It's making me see again how much that virtue, "compassion", is worth
Just let Mr. Crocodile into your circle of friends…